Cryptocurrency crypto coins bitcoins

Do you also scour the internet for all the details about Bitcoins and Ripple? Investing in crypto coins is extremely popular at the moment. But do you know what crypto traps and crypto thieves are? You may be able to obtain some information at the crypto festival.

The first crypto festival in the Netherlands will take place this Monday, May 10. Crypto bankers Petra and Dave van Dooren-Lansdorp came up with this online initiative. In 2017, they themselves started a journey through the crypto world as ignorant ones. And there they encountered quite a few pitfalls.

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Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies popular due to corona crisis

Since the corona crisis, many Dutch people have been moving towards the digital currency. Petra Dooren-Lansdorp explains that at this time the “temptation is great” to venture into this. “People don’t know what to do with their savings. Because in the bank that is worth less and less because prices rise and interest rates fall. They then invest in digital money without prior knowledge through success stories about crypto coins in the media. That makes unnecessary crypto victims. ” Netherlands crypto is popular.

The organizers want to inform and warn others about the risks that cryptocurrencies entail. During the festival they explain to participants how you can invest in the crypto coins. But they also teach you how to spot pitfalls early and how to outsmart crypto thieves. The initiators wrote the book In 10 steps your own bank in which they elaborate on the phenomenon of the digital currency.

Cryptocurrency also for “ordinary people”

Because it is not all dangers and doom and gloom. No, according to the initiators, “normal” people can also safely participate. “The crypto currency has matured. Whiz kids and large companies worldwide have been benefiting from this for years, ”says Dooren-Lansdorp. The organizers themselves also made quite a few beginners mistakes, but it also yielded a lot of good things. They can now pay off their house. Portugal Crypto is popular.

Do you want to know more about the benefits of cryptocurrency? But also about the risks that come with it? You can still sign up for the crypto festival. Participation is corona proof and free. There is room for a thousand participants.